Kym Whitley and son Joshua are putting their innovative juices to good use as they launch a new T-shirt line called ‘Don’t Feed Me.’ Contrary to the average brands that have name or design logos as the center of attraction, Whitley and Joshua’s line have several items that kids may be allergic to featured. The central idea behind ‘Don’t Feed Me’ is communication, as parents can mark the items that their kids are allergic to so teachers and other adults know what not to feed them.
Kym came up with the concept of an awareness T-shirt after finding out her son was allergic to several foods. “The doctor told me to sit down and [she] said, ‘Do you have a pencil and paper?’ I said, ‘What?’ She said, ‘yeah, it’s a lot,” says Whitley. The receptiveness to Joshua and Kym’s new T-shirt brand has been great as the actress explains, “The other parents were like, ‘Oh my God that’s great, we need that.’”
Joshua is featured on Kym’s reality show, ‘Raising Whitley,’ which follows the actress and her son to Los Angeles and beyond as they grow and learn together. Whitley’s toddler is well in his way to stardom as he already has a web page that describes him as determined and social.
Kym adopted Joshua in 2011. He is her first son. Check out Joshua’s World here.